Friday, November 9, 2007

Love for Truth and Love for God are Inseparable

God’s Passion for His Glory

I have been rereading John Piper’s great Edwardsian book, God’s Passion for His Glory. The section I was reading on Friday evening was “Love for Truth and Love for God Are Inseparable.” Here is a great quote from the book:

Edwards has taught me—as one modern evangelical—that our concern with truth is an inevitable expression of our concern with God. If God exists, then he is the measure of all things, and what he thing about all things is the measure of what we should think. Not to care about truth is not to care about God. To love God passionately is to love truth passionately. Being God-centered in life means being truth-driven in ministry. What is not true is not of God. What is false is anti-God. Indifference to the truth is indifference to the mind of God. Pretense is rebellion against reality, and what makes reality reality is God. Our concern with truth is simply an echo of our concern with God. And all this is rooted in God’s concern with God, or God’s passion for the glory of God.

This paragraph is a great section on why we should always be reforming to Holy Scripture.

You can purchase the book here...